Question #N1414
The novel follows the story of a young boy named Leo who lives in a small town where the river is the lifeblood of the community. However, when the river begins to dry up, Leo must find a way to save his town and the people he loves.
Which choice best corrects the punctuation error in the sentence?A comma is used to separate two independent clauses, which are clauses that could stand alone as complete sentences. The original sentence is a comma splice because it uses a comma to separate two independent clauses. The correct way to separate two independent clauses is with a comma followed by a coordinating conjunction, such as *and*, *but*, *or*, *so*, *yet*, or *for*. Choice A corrects the comma splice by adding the conjunction *however* after the comma. Choice B is incorrect because it uses a semicolon to separate two independent clauses; a semicolon can only be used to separate independent clauses if the clauses are already grammatically complete with a comma. Choice C is incorrect because the semicolon after *however* is not used correctly. Choice D is incorrect because it combines two independent clauses incorrectly with a semicolon but no coordinating conjunction.