Question #N600
I used to be a very passionate person. I loved trying new things, and I was always eager to take on new challenges. But, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become much more cautious. I tend to stick to what I know, and I avoid taking risks. I’m not sure when this change happened, but I feel like it’s been a gradual process. Now, when faced with a new opportunity, I’m more likely to think of all the reasons why I shouldn’t do it, rather than all the reasons why I should. Sometimes, I wish I could go back to that younger, more adventurous version of myself. But then I think about all the things I’ve learned from taking risks and about how much I’ve grown as a person because of those experiences. Maybe being cautious isn’t so bad after all.
Which choice best describes the speaker’s attitude toward their current cautiousness?The speaker acknowledges the downsides of their cautiousness ("Sometimes, I wish I could go back") but also recognizes the positive aspects ("Maybe being cautious isn’t so bad after all."). This indicates ambivalence, a state of having mixed feelings.